The Way of The Livingness Sermon 26
The Way of The Livingness Sermon 26
Audio Download
This life changing presentation completely redefines what we call and think intelligence is.
In a powerful sermon, Serge Benhayon and guest readers deconstruct reductionist and ‘recall-based’ definitions of modern intelligence, to reveal the truth of the grand intelligence that is actually available to us all.
Entitled 'God's Atma, the Field of Divine Love and Intelligence that Communicates Evolution', this in-depth presentation is Sermon 26 from 'The Way of The Livingness', a series of sermons, delivered on a monthly basis in Australia and bi-annually in the UK, by Serge Benhayon along with guest speakers.
For Sermon 26, Serge is joined by Annette Baker, Gabrielle Caplice, Beverly Carter, Gail Fuller, Heather Pope, Helen Simkins, and Geraldine Burrell.
Download is 1 hr 37 Mins 39 Sec