Time, SPACE and all of us

Time, SPACE and all of us

Trilogy, Book 2 – Space
by Serge Benhayon

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Space is the second book in the trilogy ‘Time, Space and all of us' and if you concluded and felt that Time was the bees’ knees, wait until you get your feelers on Space. 

Serge Benhayon has delivered 766 pages on a topic that could easily be understood as dealing exclusively with outer space, the starry canopy we look out at – but no, this book on space is not just about the extent of space out there, a space that holds many galaxies and suns, planets and starts, dips and even the odd man-made satellite, but about the space that immediately surrounds and passes through us, the very stuff that takes up more room in a concert hall than its listeners, performers, all paraphernalia and internal structures put together. 
And mind you, 766 pages are a mere introduction to the topic of space, laid out in two parts with fourteen chapters and the third and fourth forming a mini treatise consisting of twelve segments – and when you find that chapter 9 is in fact a three-part epic, you might start to grasp the vastness of the subject matter, the colossal magnitude of what we are surrounded by and the love that permeates every tiny bit of it and is the backdrop and foundation of every word, paragraph, chapter and part in this book.
This book is nothing like what we have had before, ever on this earth – it is steady and persistent like a garbage truck sucking up all notions, beliefs and concepts of what space might or could be and putting in their place the unwavering absoluteness of the sheer magnitude and in-truth just about indescribable majesty and glory that Space is, the connective tissue, the womb and already lived future available to all of us. 
If it wasn’t so unhealthy it could be said that the immensity of what is presented here is just about breathtaking; not only does this tome deal with space, it also encompasses time (and how could it not?) and further elucidates what precedes this second book in the trilogy ‘Time, Space and all of us’. In other words, time is never far away even though grandly superseded and put in its rightful place, an earthly convention that doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t run out and is no man’s enemy but a measure of our evolution as we go around and around our Sun, “the visible God reflection” (SB) for us on this planet Earth.
To conclude this briefest of introductions to Space and keep you on the edge of your seats, a quote from Serge Benhayon which is not part of this book:
“Space is a series of moments - each is never like the former, for there has been expansion from one to the other. This is the correct timeless approach. The problem is that for us it is seems like an instance - an occurrence taking place within a perpetual seamless movement. But it is not quite like that — it is a series of moments that in sequence seem like they seamlessly flow but each is new or rather more expanded and older offering the former a new experience of what it is returning to.”
Is it possible that the stuff we are surrounded by, no matter how tightly the bedcovers might be pulled across, how deep the whole we have dug ourselves into – is our future, a future that we are returning to? 
And is it possible that the world has a lot to learn from Serge Benhayon who shows us all that true intelligence is of another ilk than what we would normally call intelligence; is it possible that we have forsaken our universality and multi-dimensionality for, in comparison, a skerrick of tantalising fool’s gold?

Serge Benhayon has delivered 766 pages on a topic that could easily be understood as dealing exclusively with outer space, the starry canopy we look out at – but no, this book on space is not just about the extent of space out there, a space that holds many galaxies and suns, planets and starts, dips and even the odd man-made satellite, but about the space that immediately surrounds and passes through us, the very stuff that takes up more room in a concert hall than its listeners, performers, all paraphernalia and internal structures put together. 

And mind you, 766 pages are a mere introduction to the topic of space, laid out in two parts with fourteen chapters and the third and fourth forming a mini treatise consisting of twelve segments – and when you find that chapter 9 is in fact a three-part epic, you might start to grasp the vastness of the subject matter, the colossal magnitude of what we are surrounded by and the love that permeates every tiny bit of it and is the backdrop and foundation of every word, paragraph, chapter and part in this book.

This book is nothing like what we have had before, ever on this earth – it is steady and persistent like a garbage truck sucking up all notions, beliefs and concepts of what space might or could be and putting in their place the unwavering absoluteness of the sheer magnitude and in-truth just about indescribable majesty and glory that Space is, the connective tissue, the womb and already lived future available to all of us. 

If it wasn’t so unhealthy it could be said that the immensity of what is presented here is just about breathtaking; not only does this tome deal with space, it also encompasses time (and how could it not?) and further elucidates what precedes this second book in the trilogy ‘Time, Space and all of us’. In other words, time is never far away even though grandly superseded and put in its rightful place, an earthly convention that doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t run out and is no man’s enemy but a measure of our evolution as we go around and around our Sun, “the visible God reflection” (SB) for us on this planet Earth. 

To conclude this briefest of introductions to Space and keep you on the edge of your seats, a quote from Serge Benhayon which is not part of this book:

“Space is a series of moments - each is never like the former, for there has been expansion from one to the other. This is the correct timeless approach. The problem is that for us it is seems like an instance - an occurrence taking place within a perpetual seamless movement. But it is not quite like that — it is a series of moments that in sequence seem like they seamlessly flow but each is new or rather more expanded and older offering the former a new experience of what it is returning to.”

Is it possible that the stuff we are surrounded by, no matter how tightly the bedcovers might be pulled across, how deep the whole we have dug ourselves into – is our future, a future that we are returning to? 

And is it possible that the world has a lot to learn from Serge Benhayon who shows us all that true intelligence is of another ilk than what we would normally call intelligence; is it possible that we have forsaken our universality and multi-dimensionality for, in comparison, a skerrick of tantalising fool’s gold?

Article by: Gabriele Conrad