We have all felt at times that life on earth, human life, our life is not consistently what it could be – that it is not as joyous and free and simple as we imagined it to be, when as children we could not wait to grow up and have a go at it ourselves.
Most of us have experienced a ‘good time’; we know truly ‘good people’ as well as those that are so decent and genuinely kind they take our breath away. Conversely, there are those moments when we can feel that human interactions are loveless, callous at times, abrasive and even downright hurtful. And it does hurt, no matter how much we succeed in putting on a brave face. Of course, we try to cope with or fix everything as best we can. But is there more to life, more to this seeming ‘normalised’ dichotomy? And so, does it really make sense to have such true good alongside the high levels of stress, enormous pressure and the resulting anguish and health problems that have become a normal and accepted part of our lives? The answer is no, that does not seem right or normal and so we want to change our ways and not repeat the same mistakes, we want our relationships and interactions to be loving and harmonious. But why does it seem to be so hard to make normal what we feel ought to be normal against a ‘norm’ we know is not right or truly ‘normal’?
Can it be different? Do we deserve better? Is there another way? The answer is a resounding YES to all these questions.
Is it possible that Albert Einstein was right when he said: “The world we have made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.” (A. Einstein quoted in Des MacHale, Wisdom [London, 2002])
And if he was right, what does this actually mean? Is he suggesting that in order to solve our problems, we need to have a closer look at what we are doing and how we are doing it, have a look at this “same level of thinking that created the problems we are trying to solve”? And if the answer is yes, then where do we start, how do we go about it and what are the tools and resources at our disposal and where do we get them?
An Open Letter to Humanity answers all these questions and deals with the reasons why human life is not what it could be. It presents new possibilities and a fresh perspective – it explains in detail that there is actually a true purpose to human life and an intelligence available to us that has never left us but that we have not had the wherewithal to access. This intelligence is based on the body and our sixth sense, it is cardio-centric and developed by the way we live. An Open Letter to Humanity proposes that such intelligence is available to every human being by virtue of the fact that it already lives inside each and every one of us.