This book is a healing handbook of 728 pages, a companion compendium for you, the reader to use on a regular, and if you so choose, on a daily basis. Each of its entries is complete in itself, be it a one-liner or a half-page text passage and you will find much here that might seemingly come out of left field at first but which, upon further pondering, will debase many of our repetitive choices and the cumulative big and small irresponsibilities of daily life – what is generally referred to as normal and acceptable, albeit only just. As such, these teachings and revelations dispel what is holding the human being in a tight bind of self-induced and self-perpetuated dilemmas.
“The revelations will pave the way whilst the teachings will help
found the necessary foundations and developing steps
that will unfold the glory of the New Era” ~ SB
What is the New Era? The New Era is the Era of the Soul and marks the end of the run of the human spirit and its stranglehold over the human being. It is the time when more and more people will come to know, as the facts they are, that
- we have a Soul
- the human sprit is a fractured and deeply hurt part of the Soul that has taken on an individualised existence away from the glory of its oneness with the Soul and all Souls
- God exists
- death is not the end of the story and suicide is not the solution to life’s dilemmas
- hatred, dishonesty, war and cruelty have not and will not ever work.
The book is divided into one big section of Revelations and Teachings on Life and several smaller chapters with the following headings:
- Breath & Meditation – The act of re-connecting back to the truth that is within
- Women & Femaleness – ‘The Stillness of God’
- Men
- Esoteric Medicine
- The Current Forms of Religion
- Love – The fiery Energy of the Soul
- Prophecy
This book, like all the others in this series of Treatises on Energetic Truth, is based on the Ageless Wisdom and on the fact that we innately all already know what is being offered and re-presented here and that all it takes is a loving re-awakening to this very fact. And thus, the various Teachings & Revelations, a collection of collated written material, notes taken at live presentations and purpose-full outpourings from the Hierarchy (our Elder Brothers), go right to the heart of the matter addressed and right to the inner-heart of the reader, where all is already known.
Some of these truths might be uncomfortable at first and do require an open and non-prejudiced frame of mind, but then there is nothing in this book that sets out to prove anything, drive home a message or score points. These Esoteric Teachings & Revelations are here to inspire and rekindle what we have seemingly forgotten and certainly sacrificed in exchange for solutions and quick fixes to our daily dilemmas and the bigger questions we have of life – when in fact, the answers are all already there, in the inner-heart of every man, woman and child on earth:
“The esoteric is about unfolding back
to that which we already are
and never is it about being or becoming
something we are not, and therefore,
it is never what we cannot naturally be.
This teaching reveals the fact that we are
returning to who we truly are, supported by
a planet that revolves around the sun,
each cycle returning to do it all again,
until each and everyone of us
reclaims the Divineness we are originally from.” ~ SB